
Assistant Professor of 哲学


Ph.D. University of Tennessee

B.A. 阿克伦大学


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • 哲学
  • Center for Editing and Publishing
  • 环境


After completing his B.A. in philosophy with a minor in bioethics from the 阿克伦大学, Dr. Joel McClellan was then a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama. There, he worked in environmental education and sustainable development through 2005. Afterwards, he pursued and completed a Ph.D. in 哲学, specializing in ethics at the University of Tennessee.  His dissertation “Minding Nature: A Defense of a Sentiocentric Approach to 环境伦理学”, defends a sentience-based notion of moral considerability and argues that it provides compelling grounds for environmental conservation, and was supervised by John Nolt. Joel then spent one year apiece at Washington State University and Binghamton University, 纽约州立大学, with 访问ing Assistant Professorships teaching courses in ethics, social and political philosophy, 生物学哲学, 和逻辑.  在2013年的夏天, Joel was a scholar-in-residence at Wesleyan University as the New York University Animal Studies Initiative’s 2013 Animal 道德 and Public Policy Fellow under the auspices of the Animals and Society Institute.  He is currently 访问ing Assistant Professor of 哲学 at Loyola University 新奥尔良.  His publications include articles in 道德 & 环境, 物种之间, and the Journal of Animal 道德, and he has presented his research in the United States, 加拿大, and the Netherlands to organizations such as the American Philosophical Association, 国际 Society for 环境伦理学, Minding Animals 国际, and the Association for Practical and Professional 道德.


  • Making Moral Decisions
  • 环境伦理学
  • 医学伦理学


  • 道德
  • Social and Political 哲学
  • 环境伦理学
  • 医学伦理学
  • 生物学哲学


“Agricultural Technology and Welfare Footprints”, in Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural 道德, 大卫·米. 卡普兰和保罗·B. 汤普森(eds.), New York: Springer, 2014.

“How (Not) to Defend a Rawlsian Approach to Intergenerational 道德”, 道德 & the 环境 18(1): 67-85, 2013.

“What the Wild Things Are: A Critique of Clare Palmer’s ‘What (If Anything) Do We Owe Wild Animals?’,” 物种之间 16(1), 2013.

“Size Matters: Animal Size, Contributory Causation, and Ethical Vegetarianism”, Journal of Animal 道德 3(1): 57-68, 2013.